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1That was ethyl chloride, a drug which produces a quick anesthesia.
2On that account the anaesthetic is best started with nitrous oxide or ethyl chloride.
3Our criminal got over that fact and prevented an outcry by using ethyl chloride first.
4Chloroform, and morphia, and cocaine, and ethyl chloride have taught us that pain is an evil.
5It is best administered, as in the case of ethyl chloride, by limiting the amount of air during inhalation.
6The mere heat of his hand was enough to cause the ethyl chloride to spray out and overcome her instantly.
7In place of this cumbersome method, the skin is now frozen by means of a fine spray of ether or ethyl chloride directed upon it.
8(2) Ethyl chloride, C2H5Cl, a colourless liquid of a pleasant odour, boiling at 12.5 deg.
9Ethyl chloride (from the phosphorus chlorides and alcohol) is an ethereal liquid boiling at 12.5 deg.